updated: 4 months ago

Software engineering internship at NationBuilder

My 6 months as software engineering intern
The internship I began in February as Software Engineering Intern at NationBuilder has been an amazing journey.  I'm grateful to have the opportunity to learn and develop together with talented individuals who are kind and helpful. 

Onboarding with two others who share a passion for hiking and the outdoors, we learned about the technology and about the history of NationBuilder. There is lots of early internet history that is interesting to read into.  It is so cool that the platform is hosting websites from the 2010s and today, many new and existing causes use NationBuilder to create their platform online.  

My engineering team manager has so much valuable experience, feedback and code to learn from. Same goes for every engineer I work with daily.  Before this I had worked on ruby on rails apps as a hobby, then start of the internship, I was in the deep end; getting on-boarded to a super challenging project!  This was a surprise, but much appreciated because I learned so much about web applications that had been nebulous before.  Together we write the ruby code that powers the variety of causes that use NationBuilder, I think that is awesome.  So fortunate to continue my passion for developing ruby on rails apps in this space.

What an amazing half year this has been and I'm glad that the technology we build gives so many a voice and platform.

updated: 2024-11-21 01:42:47 UTC
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